If we would seek wisdom with as much passion as weseek education,money, profitable jobs,good look(guy/lady),or fulfilling relationships,our lives would be much better.
God is all knowing,all seeing,all powerful and everywhere at all time.we should respect His awesomeness and be respectful afraid to disobey Him.
Many people treat God merely as their buddy, one who is too kind and merciful to discipline them,ask them to sacrifice for Him,or require them to adjust attitudes or behaviors.
I believe they have adopted his view simply because they do not want to change their lifestyle and be obedient to God's word.this approach to God is not biblical and a bad one.
If we are going to relate to him in reverential fear,as the Bible instructs,we will understand that we need to honor and obey the Bible instructions,we will understand we need to honor and also obey Him, because our lives will be in shambles if we don't.
God does love us unconditionally,but he loves us too much to leave us in our sons. For he said that his eyes are so pure to see our iniquities or sins.
Always try to seek wisdom but seek it the a Godly way,a way that will please God and make your lives prosperous.