Often times, we tend to forget who we truly are as humans, and never get to utilize the fullest of our potentials.
This amongst many others is the major cause of global underperformance amongst many humans who exist in the available continents of this planet.
Life would really be a lot better if everyone had an idea of where exactly they should function, isn't it? But the biggest challenge plaguing this 21st century is that there is extreme copycat in our choice of profession and the likes.
This is sad because you become limited at what you can achieve when you choose to live another man's life, by wanting to be like him; instead of unravelling what makes you unique as a person.
In as much as I see people on a daily basis trying to become who they weren't created to be.
There is still a larger chunk of people out there, who still finds solace in consistently working towards unravelling their truest potentials and identity as humans.
However, the sad part of this phenomenon is that, the percentage of these ones are very few globally.
On the contrary, about a larger percentage of those working in different organizations across the globe are not happy with their jobs.
The reason for their unhappiness isn't because they are underpaid or faced with a poor work environment; rather it is simply tied to the fact they are doing the wrong jobs.
This lack of happiness is one of the major reasons, why some of them perform below par in their respective duty posts.
Life would have been fun and interesting for them, if they had been engaged in doing what they were really designed to do; also, time and activities will also become more meaningful to them when they function in their place of relevance.
However, what should be your major concern on daily basis is how to unravel your identity and function in the place of your calling.
In the process of seeking the essence of your existence, treat your life like a buffet!
Dont just sit back and relax or only go to God in prayer, it is very pivotal you get your hands busy with something.
Go get yourself skilled in any area that interests you; with that, it will be easier to find your place of relevance and perform at your peak.
While you are busy with the various skills youve probably found interest in, dont forget to keep seeking Gods face for clarity on the precise skill that suits you.
Possibly, you may be multitalented, and you are confused on which skill amongst your numerous number of skills would change the paradigm of your life and take you to your place of fulfillment.
What you must do, is to seek your Creator's face and never relent in sharpening those skills (potentials) you already posses.
This is because when you focus on only praying without increasing the potency of your skills, you will invariably lose your relevance when it gets to your defining moment because you'll lack adequate preparedness to seize your moment.
If only you can intentionally find your identity, you'd not only be phenomenal; you'd also never be forgotten by generations to come as well!
The world awaits your manifestation, Act Now!
Read also the secret of true happiness.
Making use of every minute