Two of the phrases we should avoid, both verbally and in our attitudes are “I just have a little time to kill” and “I am just passing the time”. Time is not a commodity to kill or to “pass” ,It is a gift to steward.

Learn to discern your needs emotionally, mentally, physically, and mostly spiritually and use your time accordingly.
Sometimes reading is the best and at times sitting quite and doing absolutely nothing is the best.

 Just remember that once times goes by, you cannot ever get it back, so use it wisely.

"Be wise in the way you act toward outsiders; make the most of every opportunity. Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone." (Colossians 4:5-6)

What do we do when the door of opportunity opens for us to share our faith in Christ? Do we walk past the open door? Are we fearful to enter? The Scriptures tell us to make the most of every opportunity.
Make the most of every opportunity literally means "redeem the time." We are all given an equal amount of time each day. How we use it determines its value. When we redeem the time for Christ, we place the utmost value upon it. Every minute we use to share our faith in Christ is of priceless, eternal value.
Our behavior can affect our ability to share the message of Christ's love. The Scripture says to be wise in the way we act. It will do no good for us to tell others how Christ has changed our lives, if there is no discernable difference in the way we live. 
The idea hereis that by the way we live for Christ, we gain credibility. Unbelievers are continually watching Christians. They will know by our actions if we really believe what we are saying.
Acting wisely is also a matter of how we interact with specific individuals. When we are sharing our faith, we should consider the needs of the person we are speaking to, and act accordingly.
Not everyone is at the same place in their lives. Some are avid seekers of the truth, and will eagerly hear and consider what we have to say about Christ. Others may have struggles in their lives, such as emotional or psychological pain, which can make it difficult for them to hear the truth.
So, we must always speak graciously. We must never condemn or condescend toward others. We should communicate the truth about Christ's love, and the gift of eternal life, with grace and humility.
The church in America is at a crossroads today. More than ever, people are looking for meaning and purpose in their lives. As the culture we live in continues to change, this gives us ever greater opportunities to demonstrate the joy of salvation in Christ.

Dan Rhodes is pastor of the Christian Community Church, 233 N. Sandhill Blvd.


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