Why I laugh alot...check out the power

                                      LAUGH A LOT


Laugh is an instant vacation that take you away from what ever you are doing at that particular time be it serious or not serious.so please make your self laugh.

Most know laughter can pull out the pit of depression or sadness; it can give boots of energy; and it can completely change our attitudes or outlook on a situation.and some still find it difficult to smile not to talk of laugh every minute.please always laughed it help you look young and sweet look.

Did u know that the average man or woman laugh 4 to 8 times per day, but the average child laughs about 150  times per day!!! No wonder the Bible says that,we need to approach Jesus as little children. Children are always happy;we adult on the other hand🤐,need to lighten up.we would be so much better off if we would stop being so very serious about everything and start enjoying our lives more,I mean it.

So just accept whom you are,laugh at yourself and enjoy your life from now on.

Also,a smile is a way to prime the pump of joy,an effective weapon against all problems.you can start with that,I mean 😄 and it would lead to a greater laughter.


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